Throughout the year, we have exhibitions from local organisations on view around our building. Exhibitions are available to view during opening hours, 10am-4pm, Monday-Friday.
Wartime Ukraine
Settle Victoria Hall is hosting an exhibition about Wartime Ukraine. The exhibition features photos and text reflecting on experiences of Alison Marshall, a Settle resident who spent several weeks volunteering in Ukraine during 2023.
The exhibition describes life in Lviv, the largest city in Western Ukraine, and its unique role in the defence of Ukraine against the illegal Russian invasion. “Many British people assume that the whole of Ukraine is now a pile of rubble, with Ukrainians living some kind of subterranean half-life, constantly struggling to find basic necessities. The reality is somewhat different. War in Lviv is ever-present, with scaffolded monuments, sandbagged government buildings and many soldiers on the street. But the hum of volunteer war work is everywhere – by local and displaced Ukrainians, supported by a huge influx of international volunteers”, said Alison Marshall.
Alison worked at a volunteer kitchen, helping to prepare dehydrated meals for front line troops, and tried her hand at making camouflage nets. She recorded her experiences of volunteer work and of the vibrant city life around her.
We are delighted to be able to host this exciting new exhibition, on such an important theme. Alison has captured the spirit and resilience of Lviv and Ukrainians, with some fascinating insights.
Settle in Wool
In 2016, Settle Crafty Knitters set out to capture a portrait of Settle’s shops and buildings in wool. After a tour of the knitted creations around Settle, we are delighted that they have found a permanent home on display on the staircase and walls of our balcony, where you can see the knitted pictures and read about the project any time during opening hours.